The Gift of Sight, and Managing Without It.


The universal messages can't be ignored I have learned time and time again. I want to say that I am getting better each day but I am struggling with being side lined at the moment. First I was in constant pain for more than a year because of a miss diagnosis to my right leg, which I have been trying to just deal with for the last year, come to find that it is a bone spur and nerve damage, and I am supposed to be off it for 6 weeks, had to leave my summer job. While having tea in my tea tent on Saturday of last as I sipped my tea it looked like I witnessed a  bloody crime scene in my left eye, realizing that what was happening I went to get it looked at to learn that I have a hemorrhage behind my left eye, and now a blood clot. 6 weeks for that one to heal as well and my vision is less than agreeable in anyway at the moment. 

I had hoped to host a tea with friends, my first since the pandemic started for Lammas, however the universe has me staying put, also to add a bit of insult to injury we are experiencing a record breaking heat wave and it does feel like we are living in purgatory here on the west coast.

Air conditioning is not something that is standard here we usually have about one week where we are un able to sleep due to the heat but I think going forward places will now have a/c.

The loss in mobility and in site has had a tremendous strain on me and my family and I only hope that in time this will clear up and I look even more forward to fall. 

Thank you for joining me here, Blessed Be.  


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