Thursday Thrift Store Finds, A special set...

Today would have been my fathers 69th birthday. He passed away in his 65th year of life. My mother passed in 2010 and my brother a couple of years later. It's a tough day for me emotionally but this particular cup and its matching Mother cup is a story worth sharing.

On the morning we were going to intern my parents and my brothers remains at the memorial gardens, my family met for breakfast near one of my favorite used china stores, I wanted to be anywhere but where I was that day and took a me moment for myself before entering the restaurant, and detoured to the china shop. Sitting on the first shelf I saw was a matching Mother and Dad cups, i knew it was meant to be and quickly purchased them and headed to breakfast, my personal sign from the universe I guess. But I do treasure these sets.

 These simple but poignant tea sets, are among my most treasured sets. I use them on my parents birthdays, days of passing and mothers and fathers day. 

I do take simple pleasures in just using and having these sets, my mothers birthday is just 12 days away and I shall take down her special cup.

Thank you for allowing me to share today. Blessed Be.


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