Welcome To My Tea Tent 2022...


Quite proud of myself, it has been at least 4 years since I have been able to open my tea tent, this is number 4 in the world of my tea tents. years ago a good friend gifted me the most amazing high-end tea tent which was lost in a freak early snow storm, something Vancouver rarely gets. i hosted so many daily tea parties and in my memories on Thursday was a touching memory that motivated me to track down the tent you see above.

This was so very many years ago, eight if I am not mistaken and some of my nieces shown above are grown and living all over the world. This memory made me realize that while 6 of my nieces are currently touring France (oh and one nephew), I can still make new memories in my own way in a tea tent.

This very simple tent I purchased on facebook Markent Place three years ago and other than lending it to a friend I had yet to put it up. I started putting it up in the yard alone and divine timing had my adult son, walking by from the gym, he being over 6 feet tall and me only 5 was a godsend. In less than a minute we put the tent up. 

 I made short work of getting it cozy, my great grandmothers table cloth about 100 years old, my teapot, trivet, cup and saucer and current project and into the tent I went. 

I even received my first order to the tea tent and I quickly made tea and toast.

 Welcome to my tea tent, I am so glad you could join me, 

Hope to see you again soon. Blessed Be. 


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